![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:30 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Language NSFW.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:35 |
Is that Gru?
![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:37 |
well, if you really want it....
Technically speaking, in most places it is against the law to work on a car in the street. Namely because of incidents like this... minus the bicycle, plus a car, a bus or a truck.
Also innocent by-passers might trip on tools/car coming down injures someone’s foot etc.
Also blocking sidewalk with your tools.
It’s the car’s fault
![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:37 |
Cyclist here, and it is the cyclist’s fault for riding on the sidewalk. Ride in the road, and you’ll have every right to complain when you get run over.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:42 |
Car owner’s fault for not using jackstands.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:45 |
![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:46 |
Fellow cyclist.
I yelled at a guy last night who was riding on the sidewalk while I was walking my dog. He didn’t even leave the sidewalk for us, came right at us like we were supposed to move for him. I was stunned he didn’t even have the thought to cut down a driveway or through the grass. What really set me off was his displeasure with me.
People like that give us all bad names.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:47 |
He mad.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:50 |
It’s also the shitty design of the retaining wall. I’d be willing to bet the cyclist caught that little bit that juts out with his pedal and lost control.
But you know what, fuck that car guy for touching the bike too.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:52 |
thats a nice bike
![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:58 |
Looks like he was changing a tire for a flat. Kinda have to fix that in the road.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 14:58 |
Yeah, I think he did catch a pedal, you’re right.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 15:02 |
well the car didnt fall off the jack so it did the job!
![]() 11/20/2017 at 15:05 |
People who bicycle on the sidewalk are cancer. Sure it might be less likely to get ran over by a car that way but the risk of being run over by a car is just part of riding a bike. I do my part while driving to give bicycles plenty of space on the road. It’s unfortunate though that many other motorists just think cyclists are a scourge on society and would gladly run them off the road.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 15:18 |
Well look at that, Target Fixation happens on bicycles too. Don’t look at what you don’t want to hit folks
![]() 11/20/2017 at 15:24 |
His head was deep inside the wheel well. Looks like he might have been changing brakes.
Edit. I don’t see any brake parts, but I do see lots of hex keys. I don’t know what he was doing, but he was not fixing flat or changing brakes.
I am guessing he was setting up an ambush for the cyclist :-)
![]() 11/20/2017 at 15:57 |
It’s safe for my work..
![]() 11/20/2017 at 16:11 |
that thousand yard stare on the cat worries me
![]() 11/20/2017 at 16:12 |
Huckle was never the sharpest tool in the shed.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 18:16 |
As a cyclist, I say it was the cyclists’ fault.
He shouldn’t have been on the sidewalk.
Of course as a cyclist, I recognize there are times where you’ll ride on a sidewalk or on a path that might have pedestrians. In cases like that, you have to ride more slowly.
This idiot was going way too fast for sidewalk riding.
And as for his dumb, half-assed apology/explanation “sorry I crashed”... Yeah... duuuuhhh... no shit Sherlock.
How about a more complete explanation? Like “I was coming around the corner when my pedal clipped the wall which threw me off balance and into you. It was completely my mistake. I’m very VERY sorry.”
![]() 11/20/2017 at 18:54 |
So how’s California so far? You’ve been lucky so far, I think you missed the heat wave from last month. Just don’t get complacent lol.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 18:55 |
I think it’s funny how he started to calm down, then he goes, “ naw , fuck that, I’m going to be pissed, that hurt like a mofo.”
![]() 11/20/2017 at 19:08 |
As a cyclist, I would put blame on the cyclist more than the car guy. The biker was going way too fast around that corner. On a street? Sure, haul ass. On a freaking sidewalk? Blind corner? Stupid. What if that had been a toddler walking along with his Mom? That could have ended in tragedy
The guy under his car shouldn’t be doing auto repair in the street, with tools laying out on the sidewalk, but really, the cyclist was the idiot in this one.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 19:41 |
I mean I dont really mind heat as long as it doesnt come along with humidity. My apartment has central AC, ive got good AC in the subaru, and going top down in the Miata is always fun in warm weather. I wouldnt have moved here if I didnt like dry heat lol.
But yeah its been perfect thus far. Enjoying the weather every day and adjusting to the new locale. I’ve been here enough times that its not too much of a shock. Only struggling with figuring out flights home for Christmas, that crap is expensive. Still have yet to figure out when I am doing my first autocross or track day out here.
![]() 11/21/2017 at 00:06 |
We had a humid heat wave and I was insufferable. I wanted to kill someone. The super duper dry heat really sucks too, though. I’m a big baby which is why I don’t want to move.
Just do Autocross in Camarillo so I can come out since it’s only down the road from me. Depending on how long it takes you I may take the Golf out and run the tires. And it would be fun to see how many cars I can beat. The only autocross I’ve been able to do was with the Porsche Club in my Mercedes and I kicked some ass and I wasn’t being competitive, I was just having a super fun time and driving like a jackass by trying to drift around turns as much as possible.
![]() 11/21/2017 at 16:19 |
What was there like 40% humidity one day? Lol just kidding, I am sure it might have actually been humid. I am just used to having to spend like 3 months of the year with poor weather and the other 9 months are sprinkled with plenty of bad days here and there. So you get like just a few days a month in the summer where the weather is good and you happen to not be sitting at your desk at work. Its hard for me to comprehend that there are like 300+ days of perfect weather here always.
Anyways, yes I definitely want to do the next Camarillo autocross. Looks like 12/17 is the next one so I will try and register for that. Might as well use the Miata since that is supposed to be my race car. But I dont really have tires for it and will have brand new 200 TW tires on my Subaru. I can figure out which car later though.
![]() 11/21/2017 at 16:25 |
Lol pretty much. I’m not the worst one around here, or even in my family. My middle sister moved to Arizona (mainly because her husband is from there), but she gets cold when it gets below 70. We were going up to Ojai the other day and my mom said to bring a jacket because my sister said it would be cold. My response was, “But anything below 80 is cold to her, so I should be fine.” And I do like the cold here. I went to come winter camp one time in high school and it was in the 30's and I was in shorts and a sweatshirt, and everyone thought I was nuts.
Have you gotten the Miata smogged or registered yet?
And do you store your tires inside?
![]() 11/21/2017 at 16:42 |
Haha yeah people’s definition of ‘cold’ is skewed here for sure. I showed up to work my first day with the top down and my supervisor met me there and thought I was CRAZY. Meanwhile it was 48 degrees so I was like uhhh its 20 degrees warmer than it is at home and the sun is out and its not raining. So yes of course the top is down! I have found in general it gets kinda cool at night though due to the lack of humidity so I generally just bring a jacket wherever I go. At home, it honestly felt hotter at night than the middle of the day just due to humidity rising overnight.
The miata will stay registered in NJ for as long as the registration there lasts. Currently I have until November 2018 lol. I will gladly claim residence to my parents house there for a bit. I need to order a new CAT and get a stock header.
And I stored tires inside in NJ because it got cold, but no I will not be storing tires inside here. Its always summer. Hence why I will just daily with 200TW summer tires. I need to get a set for my Miata too but theres still some tread left on my DZ102s but those certainly arent autocross tires. I normally run a set of ~100TW slicks for autocross events but might just do a street tire now that I can use it all the time.
I also need snow tires for the Subaru for my ski trips and those will be on separate wheels that I swap on just for the ski trips. Those will be stored either in my garage (its open to anyone in the building but I have a tandem space so I have room there) or in a storage unit that I might get.
![]() 11/21/2017 at 23:24 |
That’s interesting it gets warmer in NJ at night. Even when it gets humid it always cools down at night here. And it gets much cooler at night when it’s humid. I think we’re going to get Santa Anna winds tonight, though. I hate Santa Anna winds.
Just so you know, there’s a chance you can get cited for registering out of state even though you live here. And you certainly will if you’ve got a CA license. But, I think it’s just a fix-it-ticket, and if you’re in VC, which I can never remember if REDACTED is, then it’s a $25 fee to the courts. And I would say there’s a higher chance of you getting pulled over because CHP may want to check for illegal mods. They say they don’t profile, but they do.
I have no idea what tires you’re talking about lol. I only speak Michelin. If you’re getting snow tires get some Michelin’s, and go to America’s Tire.
I just read your DMV post so I guess you already know about America’s Tire.
In case you actually wanted an answer to your liability question, it’s pretty simple: the previous owner is supposed to tell DMV within a few days that they’ve sold the car, and it’s for the reason you mentioned. But I know there are caveats, so when I buy or ever get around to selling a car I meet the buyer/seller at DMV or AAA and we transfer title there and there’s no BS.
And if you ever need any help with repairs or even the paint, I’m more than happy to help out when I can. I’ve got more tools than I know what to do with, and I do detailing/paint repair in my spare time (HA!). I now have a scrap Jetta that I’m going to practice clear coat repair on. I was planning on doing color sanding on my own cars, but now I’ll do it on the Jetta.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 10:28 |
Oh I know all about the legality question, but yeah as long as I keep my NJ license for a bit its pretty hard to say I dont still live there. Its not like I plan on doing that forever, just for the time being. I will be ordering the parts within the next couple months, swapping them in, and then get everything legal. Now that I have two cars, it will be much easier as well to do the work when I have time.
And yeah its a bit more than paint repair! I need a full spray on the car so if you know someone that can do painting, I am definitely interested in that. Unless you want do a painting project on the cheap lol. That was something I didnt want to drop money on right now but is definitely in the cards since the body work is all done and ready for it.
Its not so much that it actually got hotter in NJ at night, just that it felt that way. It would be like high 80s-90s with 80%+ humidity during the day and then overnight in the upper 70s with up to 99% humidity as the night goes on. This would feel incredibly sticky and easily drive in house temperatures into the 80s which is quite uncomfortable to sleep in without AC. This was why air conditioning was ALWAYS required to sleep in the summer. Sooooooo different out here! Rarely need that in LA.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 11:54 |
Oh yeah if you keep your NJ license it’s easier to get away with it. You could just tell the officer you’re working on moving out here and you drove the car out here and you come see your girlfriend a lot.
Oh for some reason I thought you were talking about the Subie. But we can try the Miata if you want! Maybe I’ll try and find a nice gun to borrow from someone and we can do a test panel and see how it turns out. From what I know about paintwork the finished product is usually dependent on the ability to color sound out defects. Things like orange peel and stuff can’t be prevented during the painting stages, it can only be taken out by sanding it. But, before we even think about doing actual color I want to see how a rattle can clear coat turns out. Even if I were able to do color with a gun fine, mixing clear is a whole other story, and I’d rather do clear with the activated cans.
HA! If you ever tell anyone here that you don’t need AC, they’re going to know you’re out of town. And they may try to burn you at the stake. People here are such babies. I should know, I’m one of them. I’ve torn apart my Mercedes multiple times to make sure the AC works. Granted the parts didn’t cost me much, but I’ve probably spent 20 hours or so in total working on it. And I’m pretty sure the evaporator wasn’t even leaking. Oh well.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 16:56 |
Haha yeah people sure are babies. Although AC in the car is more important than the house sometimes. Its surprising to me the number of people who drive with the windows up out here though. I have been enjoying windows down weather every day so far. But I am glad to have working AC in the Subaru for those ocassional just blistering hot days, especially if I have to go drive through the desert.
And yeah Im totally down to experiment with some painting. Certainly have the perfect paint for it right now, cant really ruin it lol. I have quite a few panels that are just primer.
![]() 11/22/2017 at 17:57 |
I’m the opposite. I don’t know why people would have there windows down when they have perfectly good AC. I’d prefer to have the air I breathe filtered, and also 60 degrees or less.
I’m sure we can both agree that people who have their windows down in 80+ weather with working AC are nuts, though.
Oh good! I’ll try and find a paint gun to use and then we can play with the Miata!
![]() 11/22/2017 at 20:57 |
Hah I’m Windows down no matter what the weather. Aside from times where I’m on the highway and want less wind noise. Temperature would never motivate me to put them up. I might also turn on the AC but definitely Windows open, I love the fresh air. Or moderately fresher than recirculated interior air. I also hate the quiet, I’ve gotten used to top down all the time so even driving the STi is literally a luxury car experience to me.
As long as it’s not humid, anything under 100 is no AC for sure. Like today, it was like an oven outside but I was happily driving around with just the top down.
Just let me know when and I’m down! I don’t know where the best place to source paint from but I know my code is 22A
![]() 11/22/2017 at 23:09 |
New Jersey must have been hell if you had your windows down today and you tolerate it.
Maybe we should try and find the paint in a can and start there. I guess it couldn’t hurt.
![]() 12/24/2017 at 18:55 |
Fuck that cyclist, he’s why they hate us, going like that on the sidewalk. The sidewalk is for pedestrians, we’re supposed to go with cars on the street! I see the use of the sidewalk but a cyclist should never be riding (let alone going that quickly) on a curb. Whenever I have to use the sidewalk I dismount the bike and walk with the pedestrians.
Fuck this guy big time he’s an idiot.
But about the guy working on the BMW next to the sidewalk, also fuck you too, go work somewhere more appropriate.